Thursday, May 24, 2012

Veganism and bad videos...

So, I finally made that youtube video, and it was bad. Why? Because I couldn't get any editing and recording to work except for youtube direct webcam recording. That means no editing and bad quality. Eventually, after having re-done it five freaking times in one hour I thought "fuckit" and just settled for the last version. Stupid? Probably. I got most of my points across though. But this was a response to a larger youtube user, and that is kind of... silly of me.

I am going to make a good vegan video in a couple of days though, because there needs to be more reasonable ones out there. *le sigh*

Well, for now I am DONE. Now all I am going to do is enjoy a cigarette, do some knitting and load up an episode of House... if there is enough time... OH! I was supposed to take care of a bunch of other things as well! DARN IT!

Tomorrow is The Green Edge day! WHOOT! Root beer flavoured vegan lip balm here I COME! I can't decide what to get from the cafe though! Mushroom burger? Breaded tofu burger? Veggie burger? ARGH! So many choices! Or should I just get a sundae? Or both? EEEK! Maybe a thickshake?

Oh well, off to bed I go.

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