Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Changes are exciting!

I'm on the cups of that change from lacto-ovo vegetarian to vegan. I'm excited. I have been working towards it for a while now, and in high-school I was a vegan for over a year. I was extremely healthy despite having some minor disordered eating. I can't wait for tomorrow when we will officially be out of dairy and eggs. The fridge is stocked and ready to go.

For breakfast I will have wholemeal toast with baked beans and soy milk with cereal.
Lunch will be potatoes, mushrooms and broccoli.
Dinner will, most likely, be a curry with brown rice.

I also have bananas, oranges, juice, red bell peppers, almonds and everything in between.

I'm also going to exercise. Minor yoga in the morning, since I haven't done it in a long while... then dancing and weights in the afternoon.

There will also be a lot of cleaning and washing. I have a lot of things to sort through in order to finally get some... well... order. I also want to clean out the juicer we have properly and try it out. Kale, orange and carrot juice sounds pretty good.

So, plans starting to come together. We're (husband and I) soon going to curl up in bed to watch an episode of Supernatural (Dean/Jensen is the cutest, despite all those cheeseburgers!) and drink a big cup of tea, and perhaps relax with some reading. I bought a French book at a second hand store today. We'll see how much I will understand of it, I haven't studied French since primary school.

Camomile tea, here I come!

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