Monday, August 13, 2012

Bio Ethecist - A future that might be brighter.

It was one of those regular days. I was trying to figure out what to do with my life (which at the age of 26 is becoming increasingly pathetic) and instead I ended up launching into one of my animal rights, bio ethics and sustainability rants. My husband sighed deeply and interrupted me with "Why don't you just get qualifications so that you can work as a bio ethicist? It's all you ever talk about, and it is going to be needed in the future. You can work as a consultant.".

I halted, my entire brain halted. And in that instance my mood rose to new heights as my husband gave suggestions as to where I could consult. The list was long. Activist groups, government agencies, companies. With the right qualifications behind me I could even help groups such as Sea Shepherds while consulting with large companies in order to make them more ethical. I would help put together legal defenses and push for legislation.

He went online and had a look around, I could technically call myself a bio ethicist right now. It is less of a title and more of a descriptive word. It is not regulated... sort of like nutritionalist is not a regulated title in most countries. (Something else I could call myself right now if I chose to.)
I responded that there was no way I would call myself a bio ethicist before I had any qualifications, which my husband rolled his eyes at and mumbled something about me being a little TOO ethical.
But right then and there I think we found something. Something that I would enjoy doing, something that would let me bring about a positive change in the world, something with a future and something that could lead to all kinds of glorious things for me. Consulting, guiding, teaching and writing books on the matter.

So what do I call myself until I have gotten the qualifications I need? Aspiring bio ethicist, naturally! I will get there, believe you me. The second I can I will start studying. And I won't stop until I am standing there with the qualifications in hand and can start consulting, teaching, guiding and any book or article written by me comes with the qualifications that makes my voice count even more than it does now. But then again, who knows... my mind might change in a month or two again. BUT, for now this feels like it's the one that will stick. Perhaps not as ideal for my stress sensitive mind as becoming a librarian, but the future is just dawning in this field... and with the Declaration Of Consciousnesses In Non-Human Animals having been signed recently I do believe we are on the right track.

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